Wednesday, 8 December 2010

EVALUATION ACTIVITY 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

1. The MAC - Used used during editing and research on the web.
2. The Tripod - Used during filming. Was useful when steady high shots were needed. Its high could be of great advantage, creating high angled shots.
3. The Mic - Used when recording sounds (whispers and screams). This was easy to handle but we were unable to record during lesson as it picked up on sounds people in the room made.
4. The Camera - Used during filming. It was then plugged into computer to import our recordings. The camera after much practice became easier to use and from this we tried out different angles and shots with it.

1. Blogger - Website frequently used to update our blogs with research, photographs and evaluations. was very easy to use but I would ave liked to add some privacy to it until the final publishing.
2. Youtube - Used during research of film openings to help us with our common genre conventions. Youtube was very useful and videos could be embedded to them add to my blog.
3. Google -Used during research into character names and background information about the devil.
4. IMDb - Used when writing about actors, directors and films.
5. ImoviesHD - Used when editing our film opening. I got very confident when editing on ImoviesHD, special effects, adding sound and credits was simple! 
6. Garage Band - Used when creating music for our film sequence. At first, Jo and I couldn't get the hand of this program. We did some research and later found out how to use it, we were then able to pick many instruments, change the tempo and change the key
7. Itunes -Used to import our song from Garage Band to Imovies. This program was simple to use but I later found difficulties when trying to upload the song we created onto our blog.

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