Wednesday, 8 December 2010

EVALUATION ACTIVITY 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The character of Kaitlyn from our opening film can be related to the character of Regan from 'The Exorcist'.
Regan, a twelve year old girl (so slightly younger than 16 year old Kaitlyn) shares similar qualities with our lead character. They both are possessed by an evil and develop changes in behaviour and physicality.
The pictures above show the two female characters in normality and then when possessed. Kaitlyn's makeup isnt as dramatic as Regan's, but we must note that our movie's ending is unknown and so Kaitlyn's appearance at the end of the story could have been as horrying as The Exorcist's Regan.

Paranormal Activity also shares the theme of 'possession' and 'demonic presence'. The character of Katie in this movie gets followed and possessed by the devil as well Kaitlyn in '666'. Disturbed and scared by the presence, she too tries to find a way out.

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