Monday, 4 October 2010

Introducing My Team


A passionate Media Studies school girl, also studies English Language and Sociology. She works the camera well and is good at editing on the Macs. Izzy is fun to work with and is always enthusiastic about our ideas and practical work.


As well as Media Studies, Molloy takes History, English Language and Philosophy and Ethics. She is very good at editing and also drawing storyboard. Jo is great to work with, she comes up with great ideas and comments well on other ideas we have.

As well as Media Studies, Moe takes Sociology, Biology and Psychology. He wasn't oringinally part of our group and so did now appear in our preliminary but we are very happy to have welcomed such a hard worker into our group. Moe is very good at drawing the storyboards, is a good cameraman and has also taken part in acting!

Everyone brings something different into the group, we manage to come up with good work together and yet seem to have fun every lesson. I am looking forward to planning, filming and editing with these guys! :)

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